Craft, Food, Commercial, or Non-profit Vendors
Craft Vendors:
Items that are political or explicit are not allowed to be displayed or sold during the festival. If the Strawberry Festival Committee finds any items violating this rule the exhibitor must remove the items immediately. If the issue cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the Strawberry Festival committee the exhibitor will be removed from the festival and no refund will be given.
The Festival is rain or shine.
There is no gated security, only local police patrol. The Owego Strawberry Festival Committee or Historic Owego Marketplace will not assume any responsibility for theft of merchandise.
Vendors are responsible for collecting and reporting their own NYS sales tax. New York Sales tax for Tioga County is 8%.
Food Vendors:
Food Vendors are required to have a Tioga County Food Permit.
Food permits must be obtained by contacting the Tioga County Environmental Health Department (607) 687-8765, or visiting
Certificates WILL NOT be issued the day of the event.
Insurance is required.
If using a trailer it must fit inside a 10’ x 15’ space, otherwise it will be necessary to purchase additional booth space.
Two Trash cans with clear trash bags are required per space.
All Food Vendors must provide drop clothes for your space to protect the sidewalk/streets from stains. A fee of $100 will be charged if your space is not left in good order.
Vendors are responsible for collecting and reporting their own NYS sales tax. New York Sales tax for Tioga County is 8%.
The local Fire Marshall requires that all food vendors have one 5lb fire extinguisher per booth. This is a village ordinance.
If using a generator- The generator must be in good working order and quiet.
The Commercial Vendor Application is for any business that wishes to advertise or set up a display at Strawberry Festival. Questions can be emailed to This is not a sponsorship, this is for businesses only interested in setting up for the festival. For sponsorship opportunities visit the Strawberry Festival home page.